The Gift of Music (To Which I Sometimes Model)

Jim Bates, the Scale Canadian, can’t stop talking about music on his vlog, and I actually enjoy hearing about his listening and concert adventures. Questions about music also seem to crop up in the letters to the podcasts I listen to, and I usually perk right up when that topic arises.

I usually like to hear the spoken word while I’m building and painting, with podcasts (usually modeling-related) and audiobooks my typical go-to sources of gab. (Lately have been listening to The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch, highly recommended)

But music occasionally gets in the rotation, and there I tend to like ambient-ish, synth-y, instrumental-y stuff that stimulates, yet stays neatly in the background. Anything with lyrics, and I am wont to sing along, which can be awkward in a spray respirator or if the garage door to my workbench area is open.

Instead of telling you any more about my modeling music, I offer you this Spotify playlist so you can listen for yourself:

One comment

  1. I generally will listen to music when I model. I try podcasts but ‘talk radio’ tends to drive me a bit batty. I have a few ‘casts that I give some time to but music is my go-to for filling in the silence.


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